Make a paste with 1 teaspoon (5 grams) Brazilwood extract and a small amount of warm water. Fill a saucepan with water and add the Brazilwood extract paste.
Add the pre-wetted mordanted fibre. Bring the dye bath to a gentle simmer for Brazilwood extract and then keep at that temperature for 45 to 60 minutes, stirring gently from time to time. Leave overnight to cool.
4) How much wool does Brazilwood extract dye? Brazilwood is a strong extract and just 10 grams will dye three 100 gram hanks of Blue-faced Leicester superwash wool to a good red, a coral and a pink, respectively, depending on water quality and other factors (see photo). We suggest you experiment as dye colours will vary with the type of fibre, the mordant and the quality of water.
It is best to start with only 2 grams of brazilwood extract per 100g of mordanted wool. If you want a darker shade, then you need to mordant the wool again and make a second dye bath with another 2 grams of extract. Dyeing twice is recommended instead of using a more concentrated bath.
5) What is Brazilwood extract? Our Brazilwood extract is shipped as a dry dark red powder that is very stable and of high colour fastness. It is produced using processes that respect the environment.
Learn more about dyeing with natural dye extracts: